1. Add New Permitted File Types Using wp-config.php To get started, connect to your WordPress site via FTP/SFTP. Your site’s wp-config.php file is located in the root folder, which is the same folder
Author: GCS Team

My HP OMEN is showing a “plugged in, not charging” when I plug it in to charge.My HP OMEN is showing a “plugged in, not charging” when I plug it in to charge.
Unplug the charge and use the laptop until the battery drains to 15%. Turn off the laptop and turn it back on after 30mins. Reinstalled Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery

Access another computer with Chrome Remote DesktopAccess another computer with Chrome Remote Desktop
Set up remote access to your computer You can set up remote access to your Mac, Windows, or Linux computer. On your computer, open Chrome. In the address bar, type remotedesktop.google.com/access.

Email signatures in Mail on MacEmail signatures in Mail on Mac
Create signatures In the Mail app on your Mac, choose Mail > Preferences, then click Signatures. In the left column, select the email account where you want to use the signature. If

How to fix a laptop that won’t chargeHow to fix a laptop that won’t charge
1. Check to see if you’re plugged in It may sound ridiculous, but it pays to check if your laptop and charger are actually plugged in. 2. Confirm you’re using the correct

How to enable SMB2 on Windows 10?How to enable SMB2 on Windows 10?
1. Check if your system can install SMB2 Start PowerShell as administrator. Press the Windows Key+ X and select PowerShell (Admin). Type Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol in the command prompt of the Window PowerShell and press Enter. If

Enabling User Registration in WordPressEnabling User Registration in WordPress
WordPress comes with built-in functionality to manage user registrations. By default, it is turned off but you can easily turn it on. Head over to Settings » General page in your WordPress admin

Allowing Users to Register and Submit Posts in WordPressAllowing Users to Register and Submit Posts in WordPress
First you need to enable user registration on your site. Go to Settings » General page and check ‘Any one can register’ next to Membership option. Choose ‘Author’ or ‘Contributor’ as the default user role. Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save

Accept User-Generated Content with User Submitted Posts PluginAccept User-Generated Content with User Submitted Posts Plugin
First thing you need to do is install and activate the User Submitted Posts plugin. Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » User Submitted Posts to configure the plugin. Under plugin settings, you

Front-end WordPress Post Submissions with WPFormsFront-end WordPress Post Submissions with WPForms
This method allows your users to submit posts from the front-end of your website without visiting the admin area of your WordPress site. You can even accept blog posts from