Uploading Documents

2019-05-24 17:01

Uploading Documents

If you are using the new editor (blocks editor), please refer to the File Block to use this feature on your site.
Note: Some of the instructions from this guide are referring to the WP Admin dashboard. You can get to this dashboard by adding /wp-admin to the end of your site’s url (e.g.:

You can upload documents to your blog using the Add Media icon of your editor. For a list of file types we support, see Accepted File Types.

The following steps are outlined for users who wish to upload a document and add its download link to a blog post or page.

From Your Computer

The following process describes uploading a document from your computer to your blog’s Media Library and inserting a download link into a post or page.
  1. Go to Blog Posts → Add or Pages → Add.
  2. Click on the Add Media icon found directly above your editor.
    Add Media
  3. Simply drag and drop your files into the box that appears, or click Add New to choose a file from your computer to upload.
  4. Once the file has finished uploading, click the Insert button.
  5. You should now have a working download link to the file in your new post or page.

From a URL

The following process describes inserting a download link to a file which already exists on another web site. This method will not upload the document/file to your blog’s Media Library; as such, if the file is removed from its location, your link will appear broken. This is not recommended unless you know the file will always be available at the specified location.
  1. Go to Blog Posts → Add or Pages → Add.
  2. Click on the Add Media icon found directly above your editor.
    Add Media
  3. Click on the Add via URL button.
  4. Enter the URL and click Upload.
  5. Click the Insert button.
  6. You should now have a working download link to the file in your new post or page.
Sometimes you need to dress up a download link with an image like this:

With just a couple extra steps you can upload an image and a document, like a PDF, and link your image to the PDF file. When your users view your page they can click on the button to grab your .pdf download.
  1. First, you’ll want to upload your document to your Media Library as directed above.
  2. Then, select the document from the list of uploaded files, choose Edit at the bottom left corner of the window. There, you’ll be able to copy the document’s link.
  3. Finally, follow the Image Links guide using your newly acquired file URL.

From the WP Admin Media Library

Note: The instructions from this guide are referring to the WP Admin dashboard. You can get to this dashboard by adding /wp-admin to the end of your site’s url (e.g.:

The following process describes inserting a download link to a file which already exists in your Media Library.
  1. In the WP Admin dashboard, go to Posts → Add New or Pages → Add New.
  2. Click on the Add Media icon found directly above your editor.
  3. Click on the Media Library tab.
  4. Locate the file you wish to add and click on it once.
  5. Select the Media File option under Attachment Display Settings (the type of link you choose will be saved for next time).
  6. Click the Insert into post button.
  7. You should now have a working download link to the file in your new post or page.
Note: If you would like to embed an actual document into a post or page, you can use Scribd.

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