How to keep your Android phone's screen on longer

2019-06-04 17:28

1) To get started, go to the Settings > Display. In this menu, you'll find a Screen timeout or Sleep setting.

Tapping this will allow you to change the time it takes your phone to go to sleep.
screen time out

2) Certain phones offer more screen timeout options.

3) Select the timeout option that you'd like, and you're done.

Make your phone a night owl while charging

4) Android gives you the option prevent your phone or tablet from sleeping while it's charging.

First, you need to unlock developer option.

stay awake settings

5) If you check the Stay Awake box in Developer options, the screen will never turn off while it's charging unless you press the power button.

6) Once you have enabled the Developer options, check the Stay awake box to keep your phone from sleeping while you have it plugged in.

7) Of course, pressing the power button will still turn the screen off, just in case you want to get some shut-eye at night.

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