How to fix a Windows 10 laptop that's plugged in but not charging - Cnet

2019-06-17 15:15

Plugged in, not charging

If your laptop refuses to charge the battery even though it acknowledges that it's plugged in, here's what you need to do:
  • Open the Device Manager by searching for it or right-clicking the Start button and selecting Device Manager.
  • Click Batteries on the list to expand it and you should see two items: Microsoft AC Adapter and Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery.
  • Right-click on each item and choose Uninstall device. Yes, you are uninstalling your laptop's battery drivers, but don't worry because they will automatically be reinstalled when you restart your laptop.
  • Shut down your laptop.
  • Unplug the power cable from your laptop.
  • If your laptop has a removable battery, remove it. My Lenovo laptop does not have a removable battery. I tried skipping this step but it didn't work, so I removed the bottom panel of my laptop and then removed the battery by disconnecting it from the motherboard.
  • Put the battery back in if you removed it.
  • Plug in your laptop.
  • Power on your laptop.
  • Click the battery icon in the system tray and you should see that your laptop is plugged in and charging.
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