How to delete songs and albums from your Google Play Music library

2020-09-19 14:09

Delete or restore music from your library

You can delete songs and albums from your Google Play Music library using the Google Play Music web player or the Google Play Music app. You can restore music only from the web player.

If you need to remove downloaded music from your device, go to download music to listen offline.

Delete songs or albums

Delete a song or album

  1. Go to the Google Play Music web player.
  2. Click Music library  .
  3. Find the song or album you want to delete.
  4. Click More More and then Delete or Remove from My Library. Google Play Music subscribers will see Remove from My Library if music has been added to your library but not purchased or uploaded.

Delete multiple songs

  1. Select a song.
  2. Press and hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key.
  3. Select the songs you want to delete.
  4. At the top, click Remove from library  .

Delete a range of songs

  1. Select a song.
  2. Press and hold down the Shift key.
  3. Select the last song you want to delete.
  4. At the top, click Remove from library  .

Permanently delete or restore music

After you delete music, you have 60 days to restore music to your library. After 60 days, anything in your Trash folder will be permanently deleted.
  1. Using a web browser, go to the Google Play Music web player.
  2. Click Menu Google Play Music Menu icon and then Trash and then More More and then Undelete or Permanently delete.
Note: If you need to restore music that's been permanently deleted, contact our support team.

Some Google Play products and features aren't available in all countries. See what's available in your country.

Delete your entire library

To delete all of the music you’ve purchased, uploaded, or added to your library on Google Play Music:
  1. In your computer's web browser, go to your Google Play Music settings page.
  2. Under "Delete My Library", click Delete.

Important note: This action cannot be undone, so make sure you've downloaded a copy of any Google Play purchases to your computer before proceeding. Learn more about how to download your library.

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