Online documentation: Buttons Shortcode and Widget plugin

2019-05-26 11:10

Online documentation: Buttons Shortcode and Widget plugin

Table of Contents

Spread the word, like and share – top

If you like this free plugin please don’t forget to spread the word, like it, share it so other people can try it too. Thanks in advance!

Description – top

Easily create all different kinds of buttons for your WordPress site. Insert buttons anywhere in your site – page/post editor, sidebars, template files. No coding is required. It is all done in a nice and easy interface.

Full version of the plugin – top

Check out the Buttons Mega Pack Pro

Here are some of the features of the full version:
  • Advanced Buttons Builder
  • Download Buttons Builder
  • Zero Coding
  • Support and free updates.

Installation – top

Install the plugin just like any other WordPress plugin. Here is an article on how to install a plugin in WordPress.

Insert Buttons in WYSIWYG page/post editor – top

Create a new page or edit an existing one. In your editor option find the button called “Insert ShortCode”. Select “Button” from the dropdown. Fill in the options for your button and click on “Insert”. Once you do that you will have the shortcode in your editor.


Insert Buttons in a sidebar – top

Go to your Appearance -> Widgets section. Find the widget called “OTW Shortcode Widget”. Drop it in any sidebar you like. Select “Button” from the dropdown. Fill in the options for your button and click on “Insert”. Once you do that Save the widget and you are all set.


Insert Buttons in template files – top

First thing you need to do is generate a shortcode for your button. You can do that by using the method described in the section above called “Insert Buttons in WYSIWYG page/post editor”. Once you have generated the shortcode, copy it from the editor. Now you can insert that shortcode in any template file by using the WordPress do_shortcode function.

Button Options – top

The buttons have the following options you can use from the buttons popup interface:
  • Button Title
  • Link
  • Open in a new window
  • Size
  • Font Icon Type
  • Icon Position
  • Shape
  • Color
  • Background color
  • Border color
  • Title color
  • Icon URL
  • Custom CSS Class

Custom styling – top

If you need to further style a button here are your options:
  • Each button shortcode has it’s unique CSS class that can be used to style all buttons – .otw-button { }
  • Create a new class for each instance of a button shortcode in its interface so you can style it individually. For example – .my-button-custom-css-class-name { }

Localization/Internationalization – top

This plugin comes Localization/Internationalization ready. It is following WordPress I18n standards. Generate your .po .mo files and start translating.

Support – top

Since this is a free item, it is distributed as is without any support included. Feel free to modify the plugin however you like though.

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