LiveChat Object. How to add a chat

2020-07-16 21:57
Modified on: Fri, 27 Sep, 2019 at 8:59 AM


WebSite X5 Evo and Pro

Using the WebSite X5 free LiveChat Object, you can add a customized chat to your site and enjoy real-time conversations with your website customers. You just need to paste the LiveChat code in the proper field to get the service run on any of your WebSite X5 sites.

Start a 30-day free trial or get the 50% OFF special offer available with WebSite X5 to shine bright with an instant help desk and boost your sales.

You can start using the LiveChat Object in 3 steps:
  1. Install the LiveChat Object in WebSite X5 
  2. Get your LiveChat code 
  3. Embed the LiveChat code into your site.

Install the LiveChat Object in WebSite X5

  • Launch the software and from Step 4 hit Object Management to access the available Objects.
  • From Utility in the Object Menu, select LiveChat Object and click the button Free to proceed the installation.
  • If you haven't logged in in yet, you could be asked to enter Username and Password that you use on the WebSite X5 Help Center to complete the installation.

Get your LiveChat code

To get the code, you first need to create a LiveChat account.
  • In Step 4, drag the LiveChat Object over one of your page, e.g. your Contact page. Then open the Object window and hit the button "Sign Up Free" to connect to LiveChat.
  • Enter your email and fill in the data to create your LiveChat account.
  • Complete the 5-step setup to customize colors, text and design of your chat window and follow the guided tutorial to proceed.
  • In Settings > Installation > My Website window of your LiveChat account, copy the code and go back to WebSite X5.

Embed the LiveChat code into your site

You can use the Object to embed LiveChat into WebSite X5 in 2 different ways.

You can add the LiveChat Object:
  • into a single website page: the LiveChat window runs on a specific page.
  • into the Header and Footer of the Template: the Livechat window runs on all your website.
In both cases, do as follow:
  • Drag the Object over the page or template section needed, then click to open the Object window and paste the LiveChat code in the proper field to replace the sample code.
  • Hit Preview to save. If everything works fine, you should see the LiveChat window on your site.
Also, you can add the code without using the Object:
  • paste the code in Page Properties > Expert: the window chat runs on a specific page.
  • paste the code in Advanced Settings > Statistics, Seo and Code > Expert: the window chat runs on all your website.
Using LiveChat is free for 30 days.

If you pick a Plan, with WebSite X5 you'll get 50% OFF on your first payment. To get info and help using LiveChat, please visit
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