How to Import Label Files for Dymo Printers

2019-07-24 20:18

How to Import Label Files for Dymo Printers

1.Copy your existing label files to a flash drive. If you've upgraded your software from a previous version, you'll find your label files in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\DYMO Label\Label Files Otherwise, look in C:\Documents and Settings\YourUsername\My Documents\DYMO Label\Labels replacing YourUsername with your actual username.

2.Copy to the flash drive your default logo file and any other graphics you routinely incorporate from your own files. Add any font files that your label files require but the destination system doesn't already include.

3.Plug your flash drive into a USB port on the system to which you're migrating your existing label files. Copy the label files to C:\Documents and Settings\NewUsername\My Documents\DYMO Label\Labels replacing NewUsername with the other user's actual username. Copy any graphics and fonts to the target system as well.

4.Install font software that's used in your saved label files before you try to open them in the Dymo software. When your font resources match your labels' resources, open your migrated files in the new copy of the Dymo software.


  • When you add graphics to label files by pasting them in from the clipboard, they're saved as an embedded part of your files.
  • If your saved label files include documents created in Dymo software from before Version 7, open these files in Version 7 and resave them so you can open them in later versions.
  • Verify that you've inserted the correct size of label stock into your printer before you try to print saved files.


  • Don't migrate font files to another system if doing so means that you're exceeding the number of computers on which you're licensed to use the font software.
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