Creating email links in WordPress

2019-05-22 22:02
  1. Open the appropriate page or post and select (highlight) the text to be linked. This might be the actual email address typed out in full or could be more general, such as ‘Click here to email us’.Insert/edit link (WordPress)
  2. Enter mailto: followed immediately by the email address. There should be no spaces whatsoever and as with all email addresses, lower case lettering is recommended.
    Adding an email link using WordPress
  3. Click the Apply button (with the arrow)
  4. Publish or Update your post or page

Tips and Extras

  • If you select an email address and click the Insert/Edit button, WordPress will automatically add ‘mailto:’
    Adding an email link in WordPress
  • Follow the email link URL immediately with:
    and the new email will be given a subject as specified
    (use %20 where you would normally use a space).
  • HTML email links do not permit email links which send to multiple recipients (email addresses). However, most contact forms will allow multiple recipients.
  • Images can be set to link to an email address in the same way. Click the image once and then click the Edit Image button.
    Change ‘Link to’ to Custom URL and enter the email link (as described above).
    Editing images in WordPress
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